
As Portugal is a country where forests occupy a considerable portion of its surface, more than one third, forests and forestry are very important. In addition, Portugal itself is a country with a long tradition and with a lot of interesting places. If you are interested either in forestry or in Portugal there are here a few resources that you might find worth of a visit.

Forestry Resources

European non-wood forest products (NWFPs) network established by COST Action FP1203, it is a main online platform for the work on the European non-wood forest products carried out by this COST Action.

CEF Forest Research Centre / Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) is a research unit dedicated to forest research and is based in the Technical University of Lisbon.

PINEA Project “Water and nutrient relationships for Pinus pinea modelling in Portugal” is the title of PINEA Project.

IUFRO International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) is also known as the Global Network for Forest Science Cooperation.

COST ACTION FP0603 An European group of forest researchers working on forest models for research and decision support in sustainable forest management.

EFI European Forest Institute (EFI) which undertakes research at the pan-European level regarding a wide range of forest issues.

FAO Forestry through its Forestry Programme FAO seeks to have transformational impacts that benefit forests and forest-dependent people.

Forest Europe is the brand name of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe. It is committed to develop common strategies for its 46 signatories on how to protect and sustainably manage their forests.

PEFC is the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, a leading global alliance of national forest certification systems. As an international non-profit, non-governmental organization, it is dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification.

FSC is certification scheme, recognised by many NGOs, businesses and consumers worldwide, to promote sustainability of forests.

Portugal Resources

Portugal Statistics the “Instituto Nacional de Estatistica” (INE) is the main Portuguese institution for statistics and therefore an interesting place to find facts about Portugal.

Portugal Web you can find more about Portugal from knowing its traditional products. Portugal Web has art at its core.

Portugal travel information from lonely planet. If you plan to travel to Portugal you might find interesting to know more about where to go, where to stay, what to visit, etc.

Portugal Shop even if you are not able to travel to Portugal you might be interested to acquire made in Portugal products. At Portugal Shop there are Portuguese fine art prints.

Portugal Weather by the Portuguese Weather Service which has a network of weather stations covering all the country.

Portugal Blog where you can find news about Portuguese events and Portuguese traditional products.

Vera Guedes is a Portuguese illustrator with both scientific and artistic illustration.

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is one of the mos important foundations in Portugal for art and science.