European Forest Sector Outlook Study II

European Forest Sector OutlookThe European Forest Sector Outlook Study II (EFSOS II), made by UNECE /FAO, identifies possible scenarios for the future of European forests. It addresses and discusses demanding challenges through scenario analysis. A reference scenario and four policy scenarios have been prepared modelling trends in the European forest sector up to 2030, to illustrate the possible long-term consequences of policy choices.

This Study covers the EU 27, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, provides pictures of the consequences of today’s policy choices for the forest of tomorrow. “Policy makers do have choices to make. We trust this study will help them to make the best informed decision for the future of European forests”, said Paola Deda, Chief of the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section, in presenting this study.

The European Forest Sector Outlook Study II is available at the UNECE website where it can be downloaded.